Hospersa Recruiter Benefits

Why become a Hospersa Recruiter? Membership is the lifeblood of the organisation, which means that recruitment is an essential function. Many of Hospersa’s Recruiters earn an excellent supplementary income from their recruitment activities.


Hospersa Recruiters receive the following fees:

  • Up to 99 members in a calendar year = R75 per member.
  • From 100 members onwards in a calendar year = R100 per member.

In a new calendar year, it reverts to 0.


Recruiters have to be Hospersa members, and registered taxpayers.

Recruiters are taxed 25% of their earnings, and must complete a tax return form.

When signing up a member, the recruiter must put his/her name on every membership form.

To register as a recruiter:

Click here to download the Recruiter application form or visit: www.hospersa.co.za/recruiter-form.pdf. Send it to membership@hospersa.co.za.