Hospersa’s Objectives are below:
- To regulate relations between employees and their employers and to promote the interests of such employees;
- To build a strong and democratic organisation of workers at the workplace through active Shop Steward Councils that are able to participate in various platforms of dialogue, in the spirit of democracy;
- To work towards uniting all workers in improving their remuneration and working conditions;
- To strive for the right to take collective and secondary action;
- To resist privatisation, casualisation, retrenchment and strive for full employment;
- To end all forms of discrimination in employment;
- To strive for proper and accessible training to develop the skills of all workers;
- To promote safe and healthy working conditions;
- To promote or oppose any laws or administrative measures that affect the right and/or interests of our members;
- Subject to further provisions of the Hospersa Constitution, to render legal assistance to members in matters relating to their employment and to institute legal proceedings for and on behalf of the union and/or its members;
- To affiliate with, confer or enter into co-operative arrangements with any other trade union, trade union federation or labour organisation, with the objective of securing joint action on any matter; To enter into collective bargaining forums to negotiate and enter into collective agreements with employers and employer associations;
- To encourage the settlement of disputes through conciliatory methods;
- To raise and acquire funds by means of subscriptions, levies, donations, loans or by any other lawful manner, which the National Executive Committee may deem fit;
- To buy, take on lease, hire or otherwise acquire or sell, pledge or mortgage any movable or immovable property;
- To deal with such other lawful matters as deemed to be in the interests of the union;
- To protect the job security of members, to advance their employment prospects, and to serve their individual and collective interests;
- To recruit and unite workers to improve their economic and social welfare;
- To strive for proper and accessible training to develop the skills of all worker leaders and staff;
- To establish relationships with other trade unions, trade union federations, labour organisations and service providers for the benefit of union members;
- To build bilateral relations with trade unions internationally;
- To develop policies that promote good governance;
- To develop human resources policies that will enhance the development and motivation of staff according to legislation;
- To promote HIV/Aids awareness, and wellness in general, gender equality, job creation/security and a corruption-free society;
- To promote communication channels and transparency between worker leaders and staff; and
- To strengthen the labour movement by organising and developing young workers.