Education, Training and Development by Hospersa
Hospersa is fully committed to the culture of learning organisations, which aim to maximise the potential of every individual to participate in the knowledge era. We promote a culture of lifelong learning, commencing with quality early childhood development, basic and tertiary education, that is further supported by robust workplace- based training and development programmes. We believe that continuous lifelong learning will maximise the social and economic potential of our society.
Elected union structures for Education, Training and Development
Hospersa has national and provincial office bearers who are charged with the task of advancing union education as well as participation in workplace-based learning programmes.
Training programmes
Hospersa conducts numerous training sessions for shop stewards to enable them to fulfil their duties with pride and excellence. These range from induction sessions for shop stewards to intermediate and advanced shop steward training, focusing on workers’ rights in keeping with labour legislation. The training approach includes informal sessions, popular education programmes, accredited short courses as well as diplomas and bursary opportunities provided through higher education institutions. The union training philosophy is underpinned by the action learning methodology.
Participation in Workplace Training Committees
Hospersa encourages workers to participate as active stakeholders in workplace training committees and processes of skills planning and reporting, to harness the rights enshrined in our country’s Constitution and the Skills Development Act.
Hospersa is an active stakeholder within the skills development landscape, representing health and social development workers’ interests at the HWSETA. Hospersa is also an active employer within the ETDP SETA.